Tackling Technology: How Do Parents Set Limits with their Children?
Learn how to set and uphold reasonable limits with your children and their use of electronic devices.
If you’re concerned about the time your children spend with electronics -- what they might be doing, or what they’re NOT doing when glued to a screen – join in this workshop. You will learn how to set and uphold reasonable limits with your children and reclaim your family life.
Your enrollment includes access to video recording, an audio version that you can listen to podcast style, and handouts!
Your Instructor
Dave Drazen is a PEP Certified Parent Educator leader and has been taking or leading classes since 2013. He has two active middle school aged boys. Dave found that PEP's philosophies spoke to him and is passionate about working with parents and caregivers to share the tools and insights that PEP has brought him.
"I enjoyed the program. I really liked hearing the strategies and then a real life scenario that actually pertained to me and how to step-by-step use the strategy to solve the problem."
--Participant, PEP Online