We offer one-on-one parenting education through the PEP Consult program, our version of parent coaching. If you want personalized help, or you can’t fit one of our parenting classes into your schedule right now, a PEP Consult can be the answer for you.
This service is available to anyone who has completed at least one of PEP’s parenting programs—any workshop or longer parenting class. Spouses or partners may participate as well.
If you are new to PEP, we offer a free online video series, Why Don't My Kids Listen to Me? that provides an introduction to PEP's parenting approach. This 45-minute series outlines parenting strategies that lead to better parent-child communication and cooperation while also encouraging firm boundaries and shared responsibility.
Step 1: Arrange a consult. Please email [email protected] or call the office at 301-929-8824. Include the parent educator you are requesting, your name, address, telephone number and the best times to reach you. The PEP parent educator will contact you to arrange for your consult.
Step 2: Please pay for your consult here before or just after meeting with the PEP Parent Educator.
Where will the consults happen? The first meeting is usually in person, at the PEP office or a location convenient to you and the PEP parent educator. Subsequent consults may be done by phone or in person.
How much does this service cost? Consults are available in 50-minute sessions for $95. (Note: This service is not reimbursable by insurance.)
Thank you!
Your Instructor