Kids, Drugs & Alcohol: What to Know and How to Talk About It

A PEP Critical Topics in Parenting webinar

As the potential rises for dangerous, addictive, and fatal consequences from substance use by youth, it’s urgent for families to know:

The “What” -- What should we know about teens’ exposure to images on social media, movies, and TV shows about vaping, drugs, and alcohol? What should parents know about different addictive substances?

The “How” -- How do parents communicate with their children & teens about substance use?

To address these questions, PEP invites parents, caregivers, and youth to a two-part online event on Thursday, February 22:

7 - 8:10 pm ET: Watch the Screenagers film Under the Influence: Addressing Vaping, Drugs, and Alcohol in the Digital Age

8:10 - 9:15 pm ET: A panel discussion with PEP Parent Educators and community leaders to address how to:

  • Start a conversation with your child about these issues
  • Identify and set effective limits around substance use
  • Support our children and model our values as a community

Registration includes access to the live webinar, audio/video recordings of the Panel Discussion, and extensive resources.

Moderator: Robbye Fox, LMSW, PEP Parent Educator and Clinical Social Worker/Therapist


Laura Mitchell, VP of Advocacy, Montgomery County Council of PTAs (MCCPTA), and Co-Founder, Montgomery Goes Purple

Oswaldo Montoya, PEP Parent Educator working with Latino immigrant parents. He recently adapted PEP’s curriculum on How to Talk with Teens about Drugs & Alcohol for Latino parents.

TWO WAYS to watch the Screenagers movie:

1. Watch it live during the webinar at 7 pm on February 22.
-- OR--
2. Watch it at your convenience between February 12 and 26 by obtaining a free e-ticket through Screenagers. The film is 70 minutes long. Details for e-tickets are available after you enroll. Then join us on February 22 at 8:10 pm for the panel discussion.

Click the "Enroll" button below to receive the Zoom webinar link, resources for the February 22 program, AND access to the free Screenagers e-ticket.


Watch the Screenagers trailer

‍Screenagers Under The Influence: Addressing Vaping, Drugs, and Alcohol in the Digital Age, the third feature documentary in the Screenagers trilogy, delves into how the tech revolution has reshaped adolescence and its effects on substance use.

A community-wide conversation in partnership with:

"I enjoyed the program. I really liked hearing the strategies and then a real life scenario that actually pertained to me and how to step-by-step use the strategy to solve the problem."

--Participant, PEP Online

"I liked it! It's not always easy to attend classes in-person, so the online class is very convenient and conducive for both parents to participate."

--Participant, PEP Online


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